I remember at some point starting a mommy blog. Like, months ago. And then the weeks came and went. LO and I learned to exist in the world together. We found a groove.
We went from endlessly nursing with a nipple shield to nursing without one, and eating solids. We've gone from no naps, to napping on mommy, to (for the past week) napping in a pack and play. Baby is in her own room at night, still in the rock n play. From swaddle to woombie. From feeding to sleep, to putting down "drowsy but awake." No pacifier to teething with one. Rolling over both ways. Standing with assistance. Size 3 diapers, size six month clothing. Crying to screaming, giggling and laughing. From no sleep for mommy and daddy, to some, with a little "me" time built in and an early bedtime. Unpredictably napping, to napping every few hours. Nursing tanks to nursing bras - good ones, with underwire! Hating baths to taking showers and playing in a paddling pool.
It truly is amazing what can change in a matter of months. Newborns are SO HARD. My husband and I recently ate at Nordstrom's Cafe in Tysons, with a hungry baby in tow. She happily sat on our laps while we ate, and when she needed to nurse I rolled her to the women's lounge for 10 minutes, tops. Here, at the scene of our first public meltdown, I felt that we'd found something - the groove. Just months earlier, I'd been forced to feed baby twice in two hours, for thirty minutes apiece, in that same lounge, surrounded by other moms coming and going who clearly looked like they had it together.
I found myself humming in the ladies lounge on Saturday, that's how far we had come from newborn meltdown.
And yet I am aware that more meltdowns are coming. But the not knowing my newborn thing was difficult.
Here we are at almost six months, we've completed our first baby yoga class (yes!) and its clear from that experience, and taking LO in public, that she has her own little personality. It's a spiritual experience, watching this little creature you made come into the earth and start to show attitude, and silliness, without any training or conditioning. I can already tell for example that this baby will be dramatic. Every time I go to nurse her - hungry or not - she acts like she has been starving and makes these panting noises. Like, "GIVE IT TO ME NOW MOMMA."
There's no real point to this post except, we have come so far LO! Can't wait to see what is in store for you this summer.
XX. Momma.
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