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These are a few of my favorite things...

In addition to listening to do-re-mi and Lonely Goatherd regularly, I (and the LO, by extension) have some favorite things we have discovered in the process of getting to seven months old.  In no particular order, here are the things we could not live without.

1.  Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Puppy.  This is the first toy LO played with and she is still in love.  It does not really sustain her drooling on it, but she still lights up when she hears itsy bitsy spider.  You can set it to autoplay too, especially helpful when you need 5 minutes to do anything.

2.  DK Noisy and Pop-up Books (especially the Sophie the Giraffe and Animal ones).  Okay, maybe we are teaching our girl that all books have sounds.  But she is really getting into opening the pages and seeing what is behind each of the little peek-a-boo flaps.  We actually sit down and read together with these books - we've been doing it for months!

3. Convertible Woombie.  This little peanut shaped sack single handedly helped us transition out of the swaddle.  In one night.  Maybe one extra wake-up?  Did I mention we made this transition at the same time we switched to the crib?  Amazing.  We still use as a sleep sack.

4.  Puppets of any kind.  As a child I really enjoyed my father pretending to be Miss Piggy, it was the highlight of my playtime with him.  He'd use a puppet of her and make all the voices.  Needless to say we have a lot of puppets in our house.

5.  Dohm white noise machine.  Why didn't any of my new mommy friends tell me about this?  I received this as a gift from my sister who has no kids.  We have two.  Do your friends a favor - with kids, or with sleep problems, or both - and get them one.

6.  Organic Velour Cotton Sheets.  They mimic the feel of the rock and play, which as parents we will invariably use too long and have to cut the cord to that sleeping association cold turkey.  Super fuzzy, super cozy.

7.  Foam playmats like these.  I think they are the only reason our LO is crawling and moving about slightly early.  When she started putting the blankets she was laying on in her mouth, we switched to these in our living room and never looked back!

8.  Womb sounds app.  Get an old phone, turn it into a shsher for free.

9.  Big black contractor garbage bags.  Who needs black out curtains when you can make your whole house look like a meth lab?  Seriously, the blacking out of windows made her a much better sleeper.

10.  Doc McStuffins.  LO loved that sweet little face from month 1.  Put her in a swing or a jumper, and I could get a good solid 20-30 min to pump and drink coffee.  The lessons she puts forth are awesome too.  No means no?  Bossy isn't a bad word?  Take care of yourself?

Anything else you couldn't live without as a new momma?  Let me know in the comments!


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