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Showing posts from 2020

Coronavirus Isolation, week 1/2

I am triggered. My battle with postpartum anxiety occurred exactly a year ago and it took me 5 months to get to a new normal.  It started with the two month quarantining of the baby (and as a result myself) to prevent us catching flu before he got vaccines.  My world shrunk to the size of my living room for the second time in my life. I sought to control what I couldn't by obsessing over the baby's sleep. My husband and I were no longer allowed to say the word "overtired", because it implied we waited too long to put him to sleep, and therefore him not sleeping was our fault (and therefore controllable).  Grapefruit, instead of overtired then. Fast forward a year. I'm telling my students, I don't think we will be here to take our unit test on (irony) state & local government next week.  I think to myself, if we don't take it that's ok, at least we reviewed.  I met with a coworker and we discussed what we would have students do for work if we mi