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Showing posts from June, 2016

Don't google it.

My #1 advice to new mommy's - as if I'm in the position to give it, ha - is to not google it.  Just don't.  Not only because you'll find totally contradictory advice out there on topics such as: Crying it out (CIO) Where/when/how to nap When to feed How to feed What to feed Starting solids and baby led weaning (BLW) Sleeping through the night (STTN) Cribs vs. bassinets vs. baby sharing vs. rock n play (RNP) Exclusively breastfeeding (EBF) [note - anything with an acronym is exceptionally well documented on the internet, so much so these acroynms are ubiquitous.  Did I forget anything mommies and daddies?] But also because it is not helpful.  Notice I didn't even begin to put medical maladies on here - these are simply procedural day-to-day items that get our knickers twisted.  You'll find something to justify whatever you are doing, eventually (even if it takes hours of searching).  But you'll also be convinced that whatever you are doing is wr

Judgey wudgey was a ... mommy?

We're getting ready to make some serious sleep transitions in this household - LO is rolling over actively and she just doesn't seem comfy in the Rock N Play all bundled up.  I'd gotten some advice on how to smooth the transition, but thought I'd float a request out to a new mommy group I belong to on facebook.  I specifically asked for advice on how to make the transition out of swaddle and into crib.  I proceeded to get some choice non-advice such as: -  "once they can roll over they shouldn't be swaddled." -  "I don't even know what a rock n play is." -  "Mine never slept in the rock n play." -  "Mine never liked the swaddle." -  "We never used anything special to get them to sleep." Grrr.  Especially to the first one, who added a smiley face. Basically, my post had become a place for these new mommy's to pass judgement and talk about themselves without providing any real advice.  Because they wo

Almost six months

I remember at some point starting a mommy blog.  Like, months ago.  And then the weeks came and went.  LO and I learned to exist in the world together.  We found a groove.   We went from endlessly nursing with a nipple shield to nursing without one, and eating solids.  We've gone from no naps, to napping on mommy, to (for the past week) napping in a pack and play.  Baby is in her own room at night, still in the rock n play.  From swaddle to woombie.  From feeding to sleep, to putting down "drowsy but awake."  No pacifier to teething with one.  Rolling over both ways. Standing with assistance.  Size 3 diapers, size six month clothing.  Crying to screaming, giggling and laughing.  From no sleep for mommy and daddy, to some, with a little "me" time built in and an early bedtime.  Unpredictably napping, to napping every few hours.  Nursing tanks to nursing bras - good ones, with underwire!  Hating baths to taking showers and playing in a paddling pool. It tru